Problem-Solution Essay

posted by Laura Callisen 16 Sep 2016
Table of contents:

Problem-solution essays are those compositions that put into consideration the problem of a certain phenomenon or situation and try to provide possible solutions to those problems. But how to write an essay like this? They usually contain 4 major components which include: situation or circumstance, the problem, solution and evaluation.  The situation or the statement of the problem is usually encompassed in the introduction of the essay while the evaluation is done as a part of the conclusion. These types of essays are usually related to cause and effect essays as they almost share the same structure.  

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay

As stated earlier, problem-solution essays usually have four components in their structure of: situation, problem, solution and evaluation. You start by introducing the situation of a certain phenomenon in the introduction part. This is concisely introducing the topic that you want to discuss about to your audience. For instance, you may choose to discuss about immigration as a topic which alerts your audience by introducing the topic to them. Once you give the situation, the next thing is to identify and cite various problems related to the area of interest. This is where you should clearly define all trends and issues related to your topic giving a description of each problem identified. For instance; you can have a sub topic of illegal immigration where you are expected to highlight all possible causes and how it affects the immigration sector. You should make it known to your audience how the stated sub topic chosen is really a “problem’. The other step will be providing various solutions to the stated problem. This is where your opinions about how to deal with that problem should be highlighted. You should clearly explain how one should deal with the problem in hand giving examples and providing possible solutions. For instance, you can recommend the government to deal with the illegal immigrants by deporting them or coming up with a specialized team to check documentations of each and every individual coming into the country. The last thing to do is to evaluate whether the solutions provided have helped curb the problem. In this section, you should analyze all results of the initiative taken as a solution to the problem. Once you evaluate and gauge the effectiveness of the solutions provided, you can now conclude that the problem in hand was effectively solved.

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Another way to write problem-solution essays is adopting the chain structure. Here, each problem is accompanied by its possible solution immediately. Once you choose the topic to discus, the next step is to outline the problem of situation. Since there may be more than one problem, each problem is stated at a time and all possible solutions are provided before proceeding to the next problem. The final step is similar in both structures as it contains evaluation to see whether the solutions provided yielded good results.

Problem-Solution Essay Topics

It may be difficult to decide on a particular topic to discuss. There may be a thousand and one topics where you may be required to select only a few which might confuse you as well on which particular topic to select.  The trick is to choose issues and topics that you are usually passionate about and those that will not give you headache while gathering points. Choosing the right topic will not only guarantee you sufficient ideas but also will be fun discussing what you like most. Ensure that the topic has a wide variety source of information where you can link to or cite. Once you come up with that “killer topic” you can now easily venture into giving detailed descriptions about the problems related to it and later provide possible solutions. Outlined below are some of the topics that you may consider discussing.

  1. Illegal and undocumented immigration. - This topic had earlier been discussed above. It has long been a problem in many countries about illegal immigrants. Some of the possible solutions to this problem are setting up strict charges on illegal immigrants such as huge fines and penalties and deportation.

  2. Gender discrimination. - In most countries the problem of gender discrimination has been dominant over years. Some of the possible solutions to this problem is setting up organizations which protects citizens from any form of discrimination may it be gender, racial or tribal.

  3. Police brutality. - Issues of police brutality have raised concern to the global community where police officers harass the citizens who break the law. The government should set up strict rules to officers before hiring them. Disciplinary actions should also be taken to the participants.

  4. Unemployment- it is beyond any reasonable doubts that unemployment has been a setback in most developing countries. The governments of respective nations should restructure their education system to curb this problem.

  5. Child labor and exploitation, suicide, sexual harassment, domestic violence, illegal business and consumer exploitation, election fraud, environmental preservation among others are some of the many topics that one may choose due to their wide sources of information.

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Writing an Essay Using Writing Skills in Different Ways

Writing skills play a vital role as far as essay writing is concerned. Once you decide on the topic to discuss, gathered relevant information about the topic, it is important to plan and organize your essay well to suit the needs of your audience as well as increase your writing skills. You need to structure your essay breaking it into various categories such as introduction, the main body and conclusion as well. Referencing your sources of information on linking to various sites are some of the writing skills you should adopt for good essay writing. Drafting, rewriting, and proofreading essay will also work miracles on your writing as it gives you a chance to go through your essay and make corrections as appropriate. These skills will increase your writing potential as well as motivate your readers to continue reading your posts due to the many benefits accrued to it.

Laura Callisen

Blog writer for GrabMyEssay


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

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