How to Organize a Compare and Contrast Essay

posted by Laura Callisen 26 Jun 2015
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The process of writing a compare and contrast that is well-written and effectively organized begins before you ever put pen to paper. In order to stay organized and to present your ideas effectively, you must first understand the features to be included in a compare and contrast essay. From a structural point of view, there isn’t much different about a compare and contrast essay and other varieties of essays. You’ll need an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs, and finally a conclusion paragraph where you will summarize your points. For cases when you have no idea how to start, there is also essay introduction generator you can use. There are, however, other things to take into consideration. For example will you focus solely on points of comparison or points of contrast, or will you include both? Finally, you will need to decide the order in which you will organize your body paragraphs. You have several options to consider:

  • Beginning with points of contrast and ending with points of comparison
  • Beginning with points of comparison and ending with points of contrast
  • Alternating points of comparison and contrast
  • Beginning with the least compelling points of comparison and contrast and ending with the most

Once you’ve made a decision about the organization of your overall essay, you are ready to think of some great topic ideas for a compare/contrast essay. The best source of compare and contrast essay topics is your own mind. You know what interests you, so why not find a topic that touches on one of those interests. For example, if you follow baseball, you can write an essay comparing the coaching styles of two MLB coaches. If you are a “foodie” you can write an essay comparing and contrasting the dining experience at two nice restaurants. If you enjoy going to the movies, you watch an older movie and its more modern remake and compare and contrast the two. Remember that if you enjoy your topic, it will be easier to do the work required to write an organized essay.

The last step you will take prior to writing your rough draft is to define the points you will include in your essay. You may wish to use different font colors to differentiate between contrasting and comparison points. As you are writing down your points, remember the order of your essay. If you sequence them in that order, it will be easier when you turn those points into sentences and paragraphs.

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Once the preliminary writing has been done, you are ready to write your rough draft and then finally your final draft. You should have a good idea at this point on how to proceed. However, if you are struggling, don’t panic. There is always help available. In fact, is a great resource for essay writing assistance. You’ll be in great hands with this essay writers. They will be happy to take any material that you have already organized and use it to write the perfect essay.

Laura Callisen

Blog writer for GrabMyEssay


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

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