Information technology and architecture creativity enhancement

Freshman (College 1st year) ・Engineering ・APA ・8 Sources

As in contemporary culture, being cognitively intelligent is the order of the day. As a consequence, in virtually every market, people have to fight to ensure that they keep up with the trend and mitigate impending rivalry. From the majority of cultures that welcome each other and the environment draws on insights into innovation, different sectors have undoubtedly played a major role in fostering and optimizing inventiveness, with information technology and architecture being some of the key areas. Apparently, from the old days of understanding of architecture techniques, the design process was all about the use of steel, glass, and stones in the construction process, but this has changed very substantially (Vesely, 2004). The supposition is clear with the fact that architects have had to think out of the box to come up with various designs that do not only offer comfort but also helps utilize some abandoned resources. The same concept of enhanced creativity as a key factor in edging competition as well as enhancing originality and resourcefulness is also clear in information technology. Information technology enhances creativity in various perspectives since it has for a fact changed the peoples’ approach to various dealings (Zeng, Proctor, & Salvendy, 2011). The truth is that information technology has supported inventiveness in fields such as engineering, art, education, and business.

Architecture and Its Role in Creativity

Various operational fields may be said to play crucial roles in enhanced creativity, but from a personal point of perception, architecture surpasses most of them. The statement is made on the observation that most of the architectural structures are unique to the extent that one might think some of the structures as being alien. How are some of these structures designed and what drove the person behind the structure to come up with such an idea is one common question among most people when they observe architectural structures (Vesely, 2004). The answer is that the creative potential categorizes the romance of architecture. As a result, the pertinent architects have to try and marry art and pragmatism. The outcome of such thinking gives the architects the chance to expand their thinking, and this breaks the stereotyping of merely erecting steel, wood, glass, or stone structures. In the real sense, compared to some years ago, present architectural is far way better and improved. The instigating factor for this revitalization attributes to the fact that architects have made creative thinking the competitive factor. As an architect, one is therefore driven to push even harder since this does not only make their creativity better but also gives them the chance to fight competition (Mallgrave, 2010). Architectural activities may be debated as being necessary for enhanced creativity since there are incidences where the people have had to think out of the box and use architectural mentality in reforming some of the wasted lands. Moreover, other than conserving wasted lands, architectural approach has also helped to create unique and new areas that never existed before.

Architectural Real-Life Examples of Enhanced Creativity

As aforementioned, architectural cultivation of creativity is driven by the marriage of pragmatism and art and this is the vital factor among most contemporary architectures. There might be thousands of architectural structures that illustrate enhanced creativity but The Modern Cave Home in Missouri, USA is for some reason one of the best examples. The Cave Sleepers illustrates how creative architectural designs can get. The creativity in this structure is clear with the fact the world has failed to take necessary actions in rehabilitating some of the depleted grounds such as mines. As a result, these places remain to be wasted land. However, with the creation of such a house the sure thing is that in coming up with the design, creativity has not only made a unique homestead but has also given the world a chance to conserve some wasted land (Williams, Ostwald, & Haugen, 2010). The beautiful unfinished sandstone house does capture not only creativity but also shows the great extents of embracing modernity since this house’s interior design creates an energy-efficient structure. Another good example of increased creativity in architecture is the building of a structure such as Burj Khalifa. The structure is not only the worlds’ tallest building, but it also built with great clarity that could not have been achieved some few years ago (Al-Kodmany, 2011). The architectural thinking and creativity in enhancing modernity are seen in the sense that the overall designing was creative since the involved architects had to make necessary considerations such as adverse weather conditions. As a result, the structure other than being the tallest has the best structural design that gives the assurance it can withstand various calamities. If architecture has been making such significant progressions, then with continued creativity, the world is sure to have structures that are not mere erections but ones that are safer and better for habitation.

Information Technology’s Role in Promoting Creativity and Resourcefulness

Most people will agree that technology is inevitable and its use in various processes makes it an instigating factor towards improved effectiveness. With such a conception, various people have had contrasting arguments, but the world, in general, will agree that technology is fundamental in enhancing originality and creativity. The evidence for such a claim is based on the fact that most institutions have embraced information technology not only for job execution but in widening the peoples’ approach (National Research Council, 2003), which in this case refers to creativity. For example, presently the children find some technological aspect as being fancy not only because they are fun but also because they help improve their thinking. The irrefutable fact about the overall information technology and its role in nurturing creativity and originality are that most of them involve huge amounts of thought. As such, it means that the people behind the creation of the various technological gadgets and services have to be creative for a surety that their designs are better and matches the communal standards (Mesquita, 2011). When a child is given a smartphone, their interaction with these gadgets is commonly a creative platform for them. For instance, with the creation of various learning software in these gadgets, the pertinent children are given a chance to expand their thinking horizons. In attempts to try and be as good as what they see they try to practice the same and the expression of these ideas leaves no doubt that information technology plays some vital roles in increasing creativity and originality. In regards to the production of various technological devices, the clear fact is that technology is a recent creation, but the transformation witnessed with its embrace is quite huge. In reflection to information technology and its roles in improving creativity, various transformations have been witnessed such as continued reduction in the machines operations and efficiency (Mesquita, 2011). The clear and indubitable illustration in this nurturing is how the computers and phones have evolved, from being ineffective to super-fast gadgets. The creativity and originality in this aspect may be argued to have been catapulted by the fact that there has been the need to see that operations are more effective since this is one of the main competing platforms for most business entities in this operational segment.

Information Technology Real-Life Examples

According to neuroscience, children are born with some innate creative abilities that need nurturing. In the past, with the absence of technology, very few children had the opportunity to explore their creative abilities since the existing facilities never enhanced this aspect. However, with information technology as one of the factors that help cultivate creativity and originality, most children have access to technological devices such as computers and smartphones (Jackson, Witt, Games, Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, & Zhao, 2012). The outcome of such an occurrence is that various institutions such as schools have adopted technology as an important learning tool. In particular, the assimilation of video and audio tools are teaching tools have helped the children think out of the box, and this is evident with how students have turned to be creative, with some having creative thinking blogs that act as interaction podiums with others. The manufacturing of some of the technological devices is yet another real life example that shows how information technology has helped improve creativity. Since the inception of technological devices such as phones and computers, the involved companies have been in a race of who has a better product. As a result, each company struggles to have a better version of a given commodity (Zeng, Proctor, & Salvendy, 2011). This is evident with Apple Inc. situation where the company’s products are ranked as one of the best, and this organization will do everything to see that it remains afloat. In fact, the release of the latest iPhone 8 is a good illustration of continued creativity and originality in information technology.


A critical reflection of the concept discussed in the paper shows that creativity is the present’s world’s greatest obligation. The obligatory factor about enhanced creativity is interpreted as being a social norm where institutions have to match the operational standards and at the same time make sure their creations are better and modernized. As of this conception, this is arguably one of the reasons architecture and information technology has been in the forefront in making sure they continue cultivating creativity, originality, and resourcefulness. Evidently, the various real-life incidences such as embraced technology in learning and production of better, modernized, and efficient technological device illustrate creativity in information technology. The same is evident with architectural structures that help in environmental conservation as well as the erection of buildings that are safe.


Al-Kodmany, K. (2011). Tall buildings, design, and technology: Visions for the twenty-first century city. Journal of Urban Technology, 18(3), 115-140.

Jackson, L. A., Witt, E. A., Games, A. I., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Zhao, Y. (2012). Information technology use and creativity: Findings from the Children and Technology Project. Computers in human behavior, 28(2), 370-376.

Mallgrave, H. F. (2010). The Architect's Brain: Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture. John Wiley & Sons.

Mesquita, A. (Ed.). (2011). Technology for Creativity and Innovation: Tools, Techniques and Applications: Tools, Techniques and Applications. IGI Global.

National Research Council. (2003). Beyond productivity: Information, technology, innovation, and creativity. National Academies Press.

Vesely, D. (2004). Architecture in the age of divided representation: the question of creativity in the shadow of production. MIT press.

Williams, A., Ostwald, M., & Haugen, A. H. (2010). Assessing creativity in the context of architectural design education. DRS 2010 proceedings, Montreal, Canada.

Zeng, L., Proctor, R. W., & Salvendy, G. (2011). Fostering creativity in product and service development: Validation in the domain of information technology. Human factors, 53(3), 245-270.

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