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Junior (College 3rd year) ・Business ・APA ・1 References
Culture clash reflection
A personal reflection on culture clash. Conflict brought on by disparities in people's values and beliefs that put them at odds with one another is known as a "culture ...
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High School ・Business ・APA ・4 References
Effective Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is among the highest life skills that individuals suppose to have to attain the goal of the team. The degree of communication ascertains if the team...
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High School ・Business ・APA ・3 References
Principles of Business
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High School ・Business ・APA
Business Plan of an organization
A business plan can be defined as a blueprint that shows how a business aims to achieve its functional goals and objectives. Since diverse goals are trailed...
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High School ・Art ・APA ・2 References
The role of Information systems
Information is an extremely important component of operations at H&B. At H&B, information systems smoothen operations by concentrating on order entry issues where there ...
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High School ・Business ・APA
News review of Hotels in Japan
The primary story is about Japan Okura Hotels partnering with Trinity Investments LLC, a real estate firm located in Hawaii. The partnering companies decide to open chains of li...
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High School ・Business ・APA ・1 References
Appreciation Messages and their Importance
Why are appreciation messages important? What should they include? Appreciation is a form of gratitude that is of great importance in businesses to the working staff, customers ...
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High School ・Business ・APA ・4 References
Cameroon’s Coffee and their Technology ...
A lot of organisations have employed the use of latest available technology in communications both internally and externally for more effectiveness. Technology influences...
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High School ・Business ・MLA
Resolving Complex Supply Chain Problems
Tam requires the use of more sales staff to replace its current use of contract “sales persons”. It also needs to ensure that ...
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High School ・Business ・APA ・2 References
Management Accouting
Determining the overhead application rate of Finlon Upholstery Inc. The rate a company applies during an estimation of its total overheads is described as 
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