12 hours

High School ・Art ・MLA ・3 References
Early cubic paintings by Pablo Picasso
"Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is one of the most popular of Picasso's cubic paintings. Cubic painting or cubism is a type of painting where the artist uses geome...
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Freshman (College 1st year) ・Art ・MLA
Analysis of Artwork
The first one is formal analysis. It’s the learn about of the principles and elements used by way of the artist in a particular artwork. This analysis is completed by desc...
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High School ・Art ・MLA
The great paintings by Salvador Dali an...
The 1956 landscape with butterfly by Salvador Dali, the 1938 stone woman by Meret Oppenheim and Max Ernst Europe after rain II (1940-1942) fit into the theme of nature. The land...
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High School ・Art ・MLA ・10 References
Effective Communication of Visual Arts
Art is a means of effective communication. Salient messages can still be expressed by a visual art piece even in the absence of words. Still life art usually has a theme which e...
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High School ・Architecture ・MLA ・1 References
Dangers of Fracking Chemicals
Are you familiar with any information on this site, what are they? I am familiar with Fracking also known as Hydraulic Fracturing which is a technique used in the extraction of ...
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High School ・Architecture ・MLA ・2 References
Architectural Design of the Neoclassic Era
Neoclassicism is a phenomenon that is used to describe the age that brought the enlightenment and era of reason. Through the display of emotion characteristics like that of a pe...
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High School ・Architecture ・APA ・1 References
Considering Effective Designs In Modern...
Architecture has evolved over the years, and demand for high architectural standards have increased. Architecture has evolved enough to be able take care of special needs, such ...
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Freshman (College 1st year) ・Anthropology ・MLA ・1 References
Evolution of Neanderthals in the cold
The evolution of the Neanderthals took place during the succession of glacial-interglacial cycles. As a result, they had to survive extreme cold condition...
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High School ・Biology ・MLA ・1 References
Books of Value
The personality, behaviour, and attitude of Farmer were positively affected by his childhood because he was able to handle his problems or lack of things without complaining or ...
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Freshman (College 1st year) ・Business ・APA ・2 References
Business planning Strategy
How will Joe Coulombe change his comfort shops to survive and succeed as 7-Eleven comes into the market....
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